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Re: [BNW] BNW background

> An interesting point, and one you can use for BNW vis a vis the "origins"
> Delta powers and Alpha gradations that the other gentleman (not Malcolm
> or elsewhere) seemed concerned about.  Which, again, is why I don't
> understand the whole "MUST...KNOW...ORIGINS...OF DELTA...POWERS TO
> RUN...MY...ADVENTURES" reasoning (do in best William Shatner tones ;) )
> folks (again not Malcolm) were applying.

> In short (too late ;) ), I don't _need_ these kind of numbers that folks
> seem to be demanding to run an adventure or a campaign.  If Matt tosses in
> sentence or a paragraph later that says there should be less or more DPs,
> and the result would be a more or less challenging adventure for my PCs,
> I'll ignore it.  I'm not going to let 10 "official" worlds screw up my
> campaign.  Any RPG designer who tells you that His or Her Word From on
> _must_ be used, even if it will screw up your own campaign...well, he's
> nuts.

sure you dont NEED those numbers you can just make em up BUT BEWARE! your
BNW is now differnt from other BNW interpretations. if you have nice n
cuddly PCs this is all fine and dandy. However  if your PCs are anything
like mine your interpretation  will differ from thier interpretation and
this may not be noticed untill it is too late

"WHAT?!?! my whole character is designed with the concept of X! you cant
think differnt from me! look chapter 23, verse 4 has a strong implication
that X is true!"

I remeber we did some drug dealing in a cyberpunk game and got caught up in
how much money we could make. But background information is much more
important I got the whole kenndy is a dictator idea from the back of the
book. when I buy the book i expect some information about just how kennedy
runs this facist state and what the PCs who read the book will think they
will be able to get away with.

this whole thread started with my list of questions. I didnt make up the
list just to complain I was hoping that someone would be able to tell me
"ahh yes the main book dosnt mention it, but there are 100000 deltas in
crescent city and about 5000 of these are deltas" I ask because these are
the questions my PCs will ask me, sure i can make up the answers, but hell I
just bought a darn book on the subject why dosnt it tell me??

in response I have got two answers

1: that information is on a need to know basis and you dont need to know

2: thats all part of the meta plot style and will be revealed later on

neither of these satisfy me. I think that it is a fair critism that more
detailed information about the background of BNW should be avalible in the
main book and the Delta/reg raito and how do you become a delta are good
examples of information the book is lacking that you would expect to find in
such a book

