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Re: [BNW] BNW background

>sure you dont NEED those numbers you can just make em up BUT BEWARE! your
>BNW is now differnt from other BNW interpretations. if you have nice n
>cuddly PCs this is all fine and dandy. However  if your PCs are anything
>like mine your interpretation  will differ from thier interpretation and
>this may not be noticed untill it is too late

Just tell them that while the book may say X, you say 42, and that's the way 
it is. I told you 42 long before you ever read X, so it's 42 since we're 
playing my campagin. That's GM perogative. Don't let your players steamroll 

>"WHAT?!?! my whole character is designed with the concept of X! you cant
>think differnt from me! look chapter 23, verse 4 has a strong implication
>that X is true!"

Reply "Tough noogies. I'm the GM, and what I say, goes. I told you what my 
interpertaion was, and just because they've contradicted me after we've been 
playing for 6 months, does not invalidate what has passed before in those 6 
months. Otherwise it's Game Over and we start over from scratch. Which means 
that everyone must loose those XP. Your Choice." Mind you, this is why I 
tend to wait about a year after publishing before I play in any of these 
Meta-Plot games. Shadowrun and the NAN books, Tir-Tanger book, et cetra 
changing my game around on me did that for me. But then I just decided that 
it was my world, so I could make it however I wanted. So there. :P I know a 
guy who had a group that wanted to go to New York, as they had to get out of 
Seattle fast. As there was no info, and wanted them to head south to 
published teritiory, he told them that the Big Apple had been nuked. Then 
out comes the Neo-Anarchists world book and he tore his hair out at all the 
cool stuff he had destroyed. So he moved NY to Albany. Tis the hardship of 
GMing...but I digress.


>this whole thread started with my list of questions. I didnt make up the
>list just to complain I was hoping that someone would be able to tell me
>"ahh yes the main book dosnt mention it, but there are 100000 deltas in
>crescent city and about 5000 of these are deltas" I ask because these are
>the questions my PCs will ask me, sure i can make up the answers, but hell 
>just bought a darn book on the subject why dosnt it tell me??

And we'll probabbly never get a straight answer on that. As I have stated 
before, other games with Supers never give you a "here are how many Supers 
there are" because invariably will differ with each campagin, and it's too 
limiting. If GM 1 needs a lot of supers for the plots he wants to run, and 
they say its a low number, he's "wrong" according to the published material. 
If they say there are bookyscads of supers, and GM 2 needs a low number to 
enhance the uniqueness of supers, then he's "wrong" by the published 
material. And the numbers will fluctate. Constantly, if yours is a living, 
breathing campagin where things happen and the players have an effect on the 

If your players want to know how many there are, tell them lots, or few, 
depending on what you want in your campagin. If they want to know an exact 
ammount, make it a plot point. "How would your character know that? Do you 
in real life know how many registered Republicians there are? Do you think 
that DP is going to let the information of how many Deltas there are be 
readily accessed? You wanna know, break into DPs computers, but I guarantee 
you that they have several Hackers guarding working network security." It 
would be nice to know exactly how many Deltas there are, but its not 
neccessary. There are as many as I want and need.

>in response I have got two answers
>1: that information is on a need to know basis and you dont need to know
>2: thats all part of the meta plot style and will be revealed later on
>neither of these satisfy me. I think that it is a fair critism that more
>detailed information about the background of BNW should be avalible in the
>main book and the Delta/reg raito and how do you become a delta are good
>examples of information the book is lacking that you would expect to find 
>such a book

They give the same answer that all supers games give in their main 
rulebooks. There are lots. DC and Marvel never said exactly how many supers 
there are in their worlds, why should BNW be different?

And for how to become one, you have a near-death experience. They say it 
several times, and I'll look it up when I have the book in front of me 
again. And if your PCs want to try to kill people to make their own Deltas, 
be sure that DP adds Murder and Attempted Murder to their rap sheets. And I 
don't know about you, but I would not feel to kindly to someone who pushed 
me in front of a truck, shot me in the heart, or electricuted me just to try 
to make me a Delta, even if it worked. Talk about making your own enemies...

GAry m, minor epot
   aka "Sneezy the Squid" · www.geocities.com/sneezythesquid
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