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Re: [BNW] JFK and Snuff Fields (was Go-go-gadget..... )

I'd respond to the exact earlier posts, but my &#$^#$#* email program 
deleted them for me. Excess file size my @##...

Spoilers below. Out out, damn players! ;>

Anywho, and for why a perimiter, and off/On when KJ leaves, I'm sure that 
his Secret Service bodyguards are Deltas. Why hampen their powers? I can see 
it as at least 2 toughs (Talk about Body Armour), a Blaster and a Flier or 
Speedster for that quick escape. Remember how fast it happened when Regan 
was shot. One second, there's the president. BANG! The next, 5 guys have 
Uzis in hand from nowhere, and RR's in the car which speeds the hell outa 

>1: not turned off when hes not there, turned off as he leaves/enters

I can see that

>2: the origonal post specified that the nulification fields DO work against
>alphas. in fact I seem to remeber an illustration the the main book of
>flying + blasting supers, presumably alphas fighting around the big prison

Perhaps he has some sort of Nulifier-Nulifier. =] Seriously, he has to have 
an "inner circle" of some kind. Perhaps they're in the car with him when it 
heads out. Or he's actually *made* JFKs face his own, he's worn it so long. 
Or just needs makeup now? I'm sure we'll find out soon enough.

>So. Q.1: do or more properly _did_ nulification fields work against alphas?
>and if so what would happen if you_know_who *wink* *wink* *nudge* was put 

It's food for thought. Think Melting Man. Or when the Confessor staked the 
(Deleted to prevent Spoiler) to the wall in Astro City. If you haven't read 
them, btw, pick up the trades. One of the best on the market today.

>presonaly I like the, yes they do and ohh no the whole country collapses!
>idea best, although why superior would have been considered such a threat 
>this technology was at this level poses a problem. lets face it 
>*wink* *wink* *nudge*  is in a position to be able to avoid exposure to 
>devices with minimun of fuss and the idea of having a possible
>blackmailablity/weakness apeals to me

Perhaps, as the First and Most Uber-Powerful Alpha, ol Sup was not able to 
be affected by the N-Fields? As for why he's a threat, he's the guy who set 
up Y-K-W in his current position, and W-K-W didn't feel like taking orders 
from the guy anymore. It's a plot point that I look foward to finding out.

>PS. does anyone actualy belive that people by books and then dont read all
>of them? I wouldnt by a book and not intend to run the game.

Well, I would hope that people who know that they're going to be players in 
a game would not read all the GM secrets. Part of the fun of a game with 
secrets is finding out said secrets in character as the campagin progresses. 
It's like being told that Vader is somone's father and She's his sister 
before ever seeing Star Wars. Or being told who Kiser Sorcse is before 
watching The Ususal Suspects. What's the point then? Takes away from the 
drama and the "Wow!" factor.

And then you also have the players who do go out and read all the GM stuff 
before hand and use the info in character. Some people cannot keep a wall 
between Player and Character knowledge, and that can really PO a GM and ruin 
a campagin. "I shoot the Clock." "What?! Why?!" "I know its the bad guy, a 
demon in disguise." "How?" "Um, a hunch?" "ARRRRGHH! 20 Hours of work 
WASTED! I QUIT!" (Read DORK TOWER for the reference. ;. )

GAry m, minor epot
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