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Re: [BNW] Go-go-gadget.....

> >"They are also set up in a perimiter around the Whitehouse, keeping  King
> >Jack nice and safe."

> The paraphrase above doesn't say they are switched off when Kennedy leaves
> the White House.  However, assuming it is the case... "Because there is
> nobody in the White House who deserves that level of energy output
> to be protected against rogue Deltas other than me, King Jack."
> (The shutdown thing seems unlikely, since most rebels would probably
> consider destroying the WH a major coup, however, whether JFK was there or
> not.  Does it really say they shut it down when JFK ain't there?)

hey you read the GM section? JFK is an alpha shapechanger.... power damping
fields.... around the whitehouse...... that stop powers working.........


"OHHHHHHHHH nonono agent smith, tell Prof. Mienhousen that I dont think I
will be able to see his latest power dampening invention tested after all"


PS. of course it might only stop him changing or somthing, or he might not
be affected. but that would be a bit contrived. I prefer the 'we dont need
any newfangled stuff to keep out those pesky defaints' approch