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Re: [BNW] BNW background

>----- >"WHAT?!?! my whole character is designed with the concept of X! you
>>think differnt from me! look chapter 23, verse 4 has a strong implication
>>that X is true!"

>Reply "Tough noogies. I'm the GM, and what I say, goes. I told you what my
>interpertaion was, and just because they've contradicted me after we've
>playing for 6 months,

the point is that you didnt tell them what your interpretation was: you
assumed one thing, they assumed another. if you have to make up stuff thats
what is going to happen, unless you are ghoing to rewrite the whole darn

anyway were getting off the point. my point is that when you buy a
roleplaying book you expect there to be enough background to play the danr
thing. thats what your realy paying for these days. IMHO BNW could do with a
LOT more detail in its background section

>And for how to become one, you have a near-death experience. They say it
>several times, and I'll look it up when I have the book in front of me

well if they did i missed it, somone else brought this up i just assumed
that you were born a delta

>again. And if your PCs want to try to kill people to make their own Deltas,
>be sure that DP adds Murder and Attempted Murder to their rap sheets. And I
>don't know about you, but I would not feel to kindly to someone who pushed
>me in front of a truck, shot me in the heart, or electricuted me just to
>to make me a Delta, even if it worked. Talk about making your own

what if you woke up after being kidnapped surrounded by some 'frendly'
deltas who were all in the same situation as you the pcs (kidnapperas) are
among them somwhere... but you will never know that peice of informtion
mulder. im sure my PCs could think up all sorts of invetive tricks. but
again beside the point
