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Re: [BNW] New game for me

Sorry about that. Mis-clicked and sent before I was finished.

I continue onward below. Then back to lurking...

>I think my main point stands
>1: its important to know information about the number of DPs, ratio of 
>to norm etc to be able to run a game of BNW
>2: this information is not avalible in the main rules book
>conclusion: you cant run a game of BNw from the main book without making up
>your own background

Well, I ask again, have you EVER run a super hero game before? In none, NONE 
EVER, not in Superworld, Champions, Marvel (Either edition), DC (Either 
Edition), Villians & Vigilanties, GURP Supers, etc, have they ever given a 
exact list of "Ok, there are this many supers. This many work for 
governments, this many are villians, this many are heroic, this many wash 
dishes." This is something that EVERY GM has to decide for their game. Want 
DP to be constantly on your players back as a salient threat, give them a 
lot of agents. Want it where DP is streached thin trying to fight the 
Defiant menace, lower their agent pool. In my game, DP has filled a lot of 
the grunt AdMin work to screened Regs, to keep as many Delta DPs on the 
front line as possible. Why waste that Blaster as a file clerk when there 
are Goliaths tossing cars around? They keep as many main AdMin jobs in the 
hands of Deltas as possible, but the law of averages says that someone still 
has to mop.

As to the Gadgeteer thing, In my campagin, I have decided that if some 
gadgets are made often enough, the same enough, by enough Gadgeteers, they 
start to become "Normal" tech. They still have to be built by a Gadgeteer, 
but they hold their "maintinence" charge longer. Armourgeds have been built, 
over and over again, almost exactly the same, since the 60's. That's got to 
have some kind effect on the world, whatever makes the Gadgeteer's powers 

Which brings us to the "Where the hell do they come from?" debate. Well, I 
for one DON'T NEED TO KNOW YET. They do. That's all that matters. The 
average Reg, Delta, and as far as we know Kennedy himself, does not know. 
It's been researched, studdied, and has been since the first known Delta 
poped up. And nobodys found out bupkis. So why do your players need to know? 
If they ask, tell them the truth. No One Knows. It will eventually come out, 
at a dramaticly approperate moment, and then, cool. Until then, so what. 
Look at it this way, in Shadowrun, they waited until the book THREATS to 
come out and admit that there were Immortals. They hinted at it, but they 
never came out and said it. There are other secrets in there as well, that 
still are in the shadows. Harliquin, for one. But it's not *important* you 
know HOW or WHY, all you need to know is that This Is The Way Things Are.

>and my secondary point
>1: the level of detail given on the background of the BNW world is
>dissapointingly low
>although I dont want to be all doom and gloom, as I said before I like it
>but I need more details

You're a GM right? Make it up! That's a staple of running a game. I ran a 
Champions game set in San Francisco for 6 years, and there was almost NO 
campagin support for it! Just some enemies books and thumbnails of major 
groups. Ya have to make up the rest on your own. Which makes the campagin 
your own. Makes the difference between just playing Shadowrun and playing a 
Kick-Ass game of Shadowrun where your players had an effect on the world. So 
what your game world differs from the published one? To paraphrase Murphy's 
Rules of Combat, No Game World or Campagin Survives Contact With Players 
Intact. Your players can, and probbably will catch/stop/kill most published 
major NPCs working for DP and you'll have to make up new ones. Primers will 
be pulled in to form a task force to catch the players, no longer at the 
assignments they are published at. Go wild. Be creative. It's all part of 
the GMs job.

GAry m, minor epot
   aka "Sneezy the Squid" · www.geocities.com/sneezythesquid
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