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Re: [BNW] New game for me

> >umm well i havent seen it, what is the delta to norm raito then?

> And this is an issue because? How many times do you need the number of
> people on staff at the FBI? Did you ever run CHAMPIONS? Did you run it
> PRIMUS (or the GUARD if you are doing C:NM)? If so, how did you get around
> the fact that they never said in either the PRIMUS or GUARD information
> was published how many agents they had? The simple answer is: As many as
> need.

right ok so it dosnt tell you how many? the person i was replying to said
that it did.

> Well, I ask again, have you EVER run a super hero game before? In none,
> EVER, not in Superworld, Champions, Marvel (Either edition), DC (Either
> Edition), Villians & Vigilanties, GURP Supers, etc, have they ever given a
> exact list of "Ok, there are this many supers. This many work for
> governments, this many are villians, this many are heroic, this many wash
> dishes."

hmm let me think..... nope i dont remeber runing a superhero game as such
athough i have certianly playing in loads. it have allways been obvious in
each just how many super heros/villans are around.

maybe not stated explicity ie. there are 1000 superheors in NYC and these
are their names and addresses.... but certainly in the description of the
universe ie. "the fantaistic four are the major superhero group in
metropolis and will come to fight any alien threat to the city" or "superman
came from krypton in a spaceship as it exploded.. this dosnt happen every
week, sometimes they miss" most times you play a group of heros that will be
the only supers in the area (bar villans that come to fight you). I feel
that this is missing from BNW a game which is centered on the existance of
super powers and the publics reaction to them dosnt say how they occour or
how many of them there are. there is a picture in the book of a speedster
runing down a street of norms, above it the text talks about heros rescuing
people for money and people having insurance to cover such a possiblity.
surely this implies that there are many deltas around (since thier power
level is too low for them to rescue lots of people) and that they are
accepted by society. the section about healers mentions that they work in
hospitals again implying that there are may of them. the book also menotions
that towerblocks are missing thier tops becuase they have been blown off by
delta battles. again must be a few of them around to do this. but then it
says that  most dps are regs in armagedon suits now if deltas are common
surely there must be loads of regs in armagedon suits.. but each one needs a
gageteer? errm a registered delta gets his house searched everytime there is
a delta incident in the area? well why pick on me there are 100 deltas in
this area?

anyway im ranting a bit, ive allready summed up my points in an earlier post