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Re: [BNW] Go-go-gadget.....

There is an Alpha gadgeteer out there, cranking these bad boys out?

Or . . . even better . . . there was an Alpha gadgeteer out there who
cranked out a lot of these suits.
But since he's gone now, the Armageddeon suits are a limited resource.

The problem with even a 2 to one ratio of A-suits to DP gadgeteers is that 
your talking at least 4 gadgeteers per A-suit squad. If you're talking ONE 
squad active per "major city" (which would need 24x7 availability, so think 
32 suits, or a platoon. 8 hour shifts with some time off.) Which takes 64 
gadgeteers to upkeep. And that's only a single response team.
Who are "it's easy to track down a registered delta, your 
family/relatives/no one is safe". So, talk about a major achilles heel. 
start taking out their gadgeteers, and the prime squad starts falling apart. 
Literally. OK, for the kinder-gentler games. Just one "sympathyzer" could do 
a lot of damage with little tweaks. Jets failing if taken over say 30" high 
(crunch...), or jets getting stuck full blast when a left turn is followed 
by an increase in velocity (crunch).
This is a gaping hole, because this is exactly the sort of tactic my players 
would think of. Basic military guerilla theory. Attack the supply lines. 
disrupt communication. destroy equipment.
And I have ZERO information. I hope Delta Prime fixes this.
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