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Re: [BNW] Brave New World in the bargain bin

> > Theron Houston wrote:
> > If I were a game publisher, I'd
> > be terrified of the
> > phrase "if you don't like it, don't use it",
> > because that rapidly becomes
> > "if you don't like it, don't buy our future
> > products".
> >
> Steve Crow wrote:
> Yeah, that comment made earlier frightened me too,
> but I didn't bother 
> responding to it.  Note that it wasn't Matt making
> it, though, but someone 
> not associated with BNW or AEG.

Steve, since you are acting as the demigod of
knowledge as far as BNW rule and interpretations go,
could you please explain the very last section of
Defiants to me?
I had no problem when Matt said on the list that if
you didn't like the rules, play a different game. 
Publishing this opinion is a different matter.  Now I
know you can quibble (which you like to do) that he
only says try using a different system for character
generation, but then you'd also need to use a
different system to run the game.  Now explain to me
how this is different from the quote (which Matt never
actually said) "if you don't like it, don't use it".

-Munch Wolf

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