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Re: [BNW] New game for me

> >As per my previous post to Theron, I don't think BNW _is_ a 
> >creation system, which seemed to be his complaint against it.
>Not exactly.  It's more along the lines of the designer including things in
>the source material that the players can't aspire to (for example, if I
>wanted to play a Phaser before that package was available in a sourcebook,
>it wasn't possible according to the rules).  It's the lack of power options

Still not following.  Which rule are you quoting or otherwise referring to 
that says it is absolutely impossible to play a Phaser?

As was stated in the basic rules, you can come up with any package you want 

Now, worst-case scenario, you came up with a Phaser, it was (probably) 
balanced (or you tinkered with it until it was), and a few months 
later...the Defiance SB comes out and your Phaser doesn't match Matt's.

Ummm, so what?  Again there is no rule that states there absolutely must be 
one type of Phaser, and no more, and it must be Matt's.

>for PCs in light of the clearly greater range of undefined options in the
>setting that annoys me.  My complaint isn't that it isn't a meta-character
>creation system, it's that it is a package system with far too few, and too
>expensive (in dollars and cents) packages available.

There are an _infinite_ number of power options in BNW.  They just aren't 
defined (as you kinda note), although Matt will occasionally print some of 
his own.  Those are no better or worse than those you or me the Guide might 
come out with.

Nor is there a convenient (or not so convenient) point system with which to 
design them.

>Your own mileage clearly varies, but that's the soul of debate.

To me, it seems to come down to this.  You seem concerned that there can be 
only One True Version of any given power, and you are afraid that your 
version of Phaser or Bomber or whatever will be at odds at that.  Or that 
you must spend money to keep up with these One True Versions.

You seem to be viewing the packages as "must-haves" in some manner - a 
mandatory part of character creation.  And that since they're spread out 
over...well, probably every BNW book that ever has been or ever will be 
published, it's incredibly expensive to get the "complete" 
character-creation rules.

But...the "official" packages are not required.  There is no rule or word 
from Matt or anything else that says that.  I guess I don't understand the 
reasoning behind why you feel you must buy the Defiants SB to have the 
definitive Phaser package.  That's what your arguement seems to be boiling 
down to...



Steve Crow

"Worm Can Opener Extraordinare"

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