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Re: [BNW] New game for me

>maybe a book with a silimar title/theme but will it have the detailed info
>we need in it? I doubt it. In fact I bet it wont even have a street map of
>the city in question

The person to address your doubts to would be Matt (put [MATT} in the 
subject).  *shrug* Unless you have something to actually substantiate your 
doubts, it would be pointless to discuss them.

Besides, with the various threads of the arguements going on, I'm kinda 
lost.  I thought some folks didn't _want_ (or were afraid of) specific 
details and info, as it might contradict what they've already established.  
But here, apparently, we _want_ detailed info on Crescent City?!?


Steve Crow

"Worm Can Opener Extraordinare"

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