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[BNW] Brave New World - Archives

--- GMPax@aol.com wrote:

> However, I am (slowly) working on a
> partial-point-build system: each power 
> package would come with a list of specific power
> advantages/disadvantages 
> that were allowed; I will try to make it so one
> single amount of points, 
> applied across all power packages, will build
> *precisely* the Package as 
> listed in the standard, core rules ... well, give or
> take maybe up to 5% ...

For newbies, check out the the archive list.  Most
questions have already been asked and discussed.  For
the person asking about Evil Unlimited I had already
given my viewpoint on them a few weeks back.  The list
is at:

As for a point system, I had suggested something
similar for making gadgets but it can easily be
modified for power packages.  It can be found here:

-Munch Wolf

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