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Re: [BNW] Speed and Such

> Hey all......
> Got a kind of silly question, but the "Info-Geek" inside me won't let it pass.
> Does anyone have or know of some way to convert the Phase movement of such 
> powers as the flight of a Flyer and the spped of a Speedster into m.p.h.?     
> IS it on the ACumulated Rulings page?     And if it is, could someone send me 
> a link 'er something?     Just changed computers AND AOL accounts and the 
> lousy $$##$%^% deleted all of my web links.  
> Thanks in advance.......

Here we go:

A phase is 5sec. so there are 12 phases in a minute and 720 phases in an

Pace is measured in inches where one inch = 2 yds.
There are 1760 yds. in a mile or 880 "inches"

So your average joe with a pace of 7 could go:

720 phases	7 inches	1 mile
---------   X   --------   X    ------
1 hour		1 phase		880 inches

= 5.72 miles per hour

And 7 (pace) X 0.8 = 5.6

So a quick conversion is take their pace, multiply it by 0.8 and that
gives rough miles per hour (and as long as you apply it to everyone, it
all balances out).

(Never ask a physics geek a math question :)

-Theo McGuckin, operations
"We waste more electrons by 6am then most labs make all day. Be all you
can be!"