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[BNW] New game for me

Well I finally got some players interested in the game. A group was trying
to decide what RPG we should move towards. I gave out suggestions based on
all the games I have (I have a lot as I used to work at a game store, had to
move on as what little pay I did get went right back to the store. Gotta
love employee discounts).

Anyway, no one was interested in the game as I was describing the mechanics,
then when I talked about the storyline, they practically snatched the book
to go though it (I haven't even told them much, just about JFK, the DRA, how
WWII ended, the cites nuked, and Patriots "murder". One of them is even
working on a web page (he just looked at the book on Sat night).

One major thing we are doing different is that the players (and some NPCs)
are going to have 2 power packages. I made a few groupings to keep really
outrageous power combos from happening (of course it can still be abused as
can anything) also to help keep it near lower power levels you get the
highest of two similar powers Like armor 20/- and 5/- would get armor 20/-
not 25/-. End result is that they don't relay on guns as much, and are more
versatile. We want to try to do some real shaking up of the setting (the
PC's are going to have major impact on the story.)