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Re: [BNW] population statistics

> > yeah I do see connections to the mutant menace of
> > the X-men and the Delta
> > threat of BNW however I didnt invisage the definace
> > blowing away random army
> > patrols so much as blowing up a judge who sent down
> > one too many defiance
> > member.
>Delta Warriors

Who ever said that Defiants or Unregistered Deltas ever even saw a judge? 
The Primers find 'em, blast 'em, cuff 'em and drag them to the Fortress. 
Remember, Patriot was unusuall *becasue* he got a trial, mainly to discredit 
him, and through him, the entire Defiance. Didn't quite work, they just made 
a martyr.

The Defiance is potrayed by the media and politicos in the same light as the 
IRA is, IMHO. And the Defiance is just as fractured as the IRA.

There are those who believe The Defiance is all terrorists who blow people 
up, and there are those who think they are just selfish, not wanting to 
register. That's what it comes down to. Personal Freedom. Uncle Jack wants 
to know who all the Deltas are, so that the criminal Deltas can be found. 
Some Deltas don't want to register, becasue being a Delta is not criminal, 
so Jack made it a crime to not register.

If you really want to see what this is like, look at the Waco disaster, Ruby 
Ridge, and the entire Gun debate. People want guns registered, and laws to 
prevent some guns being sold or made, and wants safety locks for all guns. 
Deltas are people who ARE guns.

Just owning a gun does not mean you will shoot someone. Just being a Delta 
does not mean that you will Blast someone. But people want to be safe. Jack 
used the fear of being blasted, combined with the tragic death of his wife 
and his wounds to bully Congress to enact an unconstitutional law into 
effect, and when the Deltas didn't roll over, he declared Martial Law 
because of the level of powers that Deltas have as a threat to the Common 
Good. People will put up with a lot in the name of the Common Good. Look at 
gun laws and Censorship.

According to law, anyone who does not register is a Defiant. Most Defiants, 
are trying to keep their head down and not be registered, just wanting a 
normal life. Others are trying to show people what they have given up, their 
basic rights. Still others think that freedom has to be blasted free from 
the Primers hands. Still others belive in peaceful demonstration. And then 
there are the self-serving ones who are just criminaly inclined and use 
their powers as just another tool to help them get what they want. That's 
the gist, as I see it.

If you really want to see more of what the "mainstream" Defiance thinks, 
check out any Libertarian or anti-government sites in the real world, and 
just give them powers.

And please don't start an issue over guns.
GAry m, minor epot
   aka "Sneezy the Squid" · www.geocities.com/sneezythesquid
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