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Re: [BNW] population statistics

From: Jim Burzelic <zombi_bobb@yahoo.com>

> > now hang on a sec, I dont remeber reading about any
> > army patroling the
> > streets, anbd I certainly think that the bok would
> > have mentioned it. No I
> > think the army (or the g reater part of it) is off
> > doing other stuff,
> > worring about russains, china, korea, shooting
> > allies by accident etc Im
> > sure the regualr police force is up to the job of
> > keeping joe public from
> > traffic violations etc.
> >
> That army was refering to DP, whose main objective is
> to weed out "defiants", ie: anyone who isn't
> registered, they are also supposed to "assist" in any
> delta involved crimes and investigations. That means
> this "super-powered army" will be patrolling the
> streets. That's what army is being discussed.

Err, no. I was referring to the actual US Army. Whilst you have Delta Prime
and the FBI, etc, when you declare martial law one of the benefits is that
you get to have the army carry out police duties as well. And if you have
highly dangerous Deltas running around killing Judges and blowing up
government offices then you will need the army to perform security roles.
The RUC don't have army support because it's fun, it's because they can't
maintain the level of security felt necessary by themselves, and the RUC is
the largest police force in the UK (I think, it was decided to down size it
    Obviously the situation in BNW is different to Northern Ireland (that
isn't under martial law for a start), and Ewan's the "Defiance goes around
shooting up the feds" scenario doesn't draw comparison with blowing up pubs,
but it is an area of the world with democratically elected officials and the
right to free speech, etc, everything which people think BNW America would
have, but it also has highly dangerous groups of people trying to kill each
other. Which BNW would have. And it also has had an army patrolling the
streets and setting up check points for god knows how long, because the
officials responsible though that it was and still is justified under the
circumstances. So why can't BNW America have soldiers on the streets?
    Some one said that "The Defiance" (which I took to mean all renegade
Deltas) desperately tries to avoid killing or injuring non-Deltas. But if
these renegade Deltas see innocent people getting persecuted by non-Deltas
because they are suspected of being Commies or Delta sympathisers, then are
you sure they would all just sit back and go "Oh well, that's just the way
of the world, I'm sure when they reach the world after they'll get their
just deserts." No, I think some will, but some won't, and they go around
giving out punishment beatings, etc. And the propaganda machine steps up a
