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Re: [BNW] population statistics

In a message dated 4/10/00 9:27:59 AM Eastern Daylight Time, 
e.chilton@bcftcs.ac.uk writes:

<< well hang on here a sec, what papers are they going to ask for? I mean now
 that you mention it yes its obvious that some sort of compulsory ID system
 would have to be inforce in a dictatorship america as described, but thier
 is no mention of it in the background. I can just imagine my PC's 'no sorry
 officer I dont have a driving licence or any other form of difficult to
 forge ID. wont my blockbusters video club card do??'  I guess I will have to
 make it clear that the kennedy state rigorously inforces a compulsory ID
 card scheme in which everyone is registered in at birth and that you can be
 arrested for not carrying your card at all times. hmm mabey you could have a
 bar code tatooed on your hand or somthing.. yeah that sounds good

    Humm.....True, I don't remember anything in the rules for this either, 
But then I work security for a living so I am use to people having IDs.   One 
way to look at this is if you are a Delta then you have papers (they mention 
this somewhere, about how Goliaths get hasseled all the time about their 
papers) so I may just have latched on to this idea and made everyone have 
   After all if you have papers then obviously you aren't a Delta Terrorist 

<<yeah but what do they do about it? the first thing my PC's said was, 'why
dont we just kill kenedy?, all we need is a low yield nuke in washington'
dont laugh yet though! with the gagetter power package it isnt
inconciveable, after all there is an example in the book of the alpha
destroying bomb that devestator uses and surely that is harder to make than
a tactical nuke. Also devestator had superior to worry about!>>

    True they can kill Kennedy.   Sure it's easy (yeah right).  But the 
problem is that may not solve anything, infact it may make things worse.  
Think about it, if you blow him up then he becomes a Martyr for the cause of 
Truth, Justice and The American Way, killed by evil delta terrorists who want 
to take over the country.
    Can we say really nasty problems?

   Of course this may not happen in your game.  On a side note, I have an npc 
group who has figured out who Kennedy is and they dare not tell anyone 
because of the fallout it would cause.  So instead they are trying to feed 
info to people who will try and prove it legally and in a way that the public 
will believe.


    Also remember that for some reason Deltas seem to gather in cresent city 
so there seems to be more of them there then anywhere else.  Also, Triumph is 
a major employeer for Deltas so it would seem normal for there to be alot of 
them in cresent city doing almost normal jobs.  Also, some jobs can be helped 
by deltas even if they seem to be stereotyped (ie Speedster messenger etc).

Hope this helps
Wu Lung Martial Artist/Blaster