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Re: [BNW] population statistics

> In my case, I forget all these tracing, net, or controling techniques that
> exist now. B.N.W is an alternative universe in which internet could be a
> well-protected system that is constructed in some differents ways, and it
> would be probably impossible to trace or turn down a webserver.
> To avoid headaches, I took this explain. :)
> Pascal

well you could do it that way, but you lose some realism and real world
connection in the game. I think its allways best to keep things as realistic
as possible so that PC's can come up with good plans rather than just having
to guess or make up what they can do. Thats why I preffer my 'coded messages
in picutres' technique, Instead of getting calling card with
www.deltatimes.com from mystreous strangers.....

Stranger 'quick I cant talk now! check out this web site!'

PC 'www.deltatimes.com? I could have guessed that! or a quick search for
'delta' would have picked it up, you crazy stranger, tell me more or ill cut
off your fingers one by one!'

Stranger 'argg no, realy i dont know any more!'

PC 'im going to torture you anyway! *clowns to the left of me* *jokers to
the right....*

 the PC's can be told where the picture is and then instructed to pic up the
encryption key from a drop off point or anonomous email. that way no one
courier has any suspicous information and neither can access the data
without the other half.

stranger 'letter for Mr Cypher!'

PC 'thats me *opens letter* hmm an advert for curling tongs why would i need
curling tongs... hang on a sec whats this a URL hmmmmm'

stranger 'Ill be off then'

PC ' no wait you must know more! come here *clowns to the left of me*
*jokers to the right....*'

stranger ' arghhghgh please no im just a postman!!! argrghrgrhgrhgrh'

Later PC checks drop off point or gets an AOL disk through his door with
decryption program. you could add a third layer to the scam by makeing the
encyrption software require a password, maybe it works normaly unless you
type 'deltatimes' on the register section or somthing. URL's for differnt
articles and updated versions of deltatimes could be passed around with
innocuous looking code phrases on usnet groups or websites unless you had
the proper key the message would be un readable.

This leaves room for loads of plot hooks, the disc with the key could be
partly destroyed and the PC's would have to hack the image or they could not
know which image contained the message and have to try lots.

Of course DP would be constantly tracking down which images had stored
messages and remove or replace them with a misleading image

Having a disk with a encryption key on it might be a bit suspicous, but so
is having lots of calling cards with www.deltatimes.com writen on the front
and 'im with the defiance, death to kennedy!!' on the back
