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Re: [BNW] Splitting Skill Points - Why?
><blink> AFAIK, Deadlands works like HOE. I think it's even in the
>acumulated rulings.
Hmmm. I did find this statement by Shane:
C) Okay, I have no idea what I said months ago, but that doesn't really
sound like what I'd say, since this is how we play: B) We don't care how
many points worth of Edges you buy with your points. It's one big pool to
us. You wanna take 30 points of Edges, feel free. It's all balanced out, you
skilless wonder. [Shane Hensley, 23/June/1998, comment to a lost email, DL
I'll double check with him on this, and take a gander at the 2nd Edition
rules. If this has been changed, I'll happily modify my software to do it.
James Cook