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Re: [BNW] Gunner Question

Well let's see, this should be an easy question to
figure out, but it doesn't appear that anyones hit on
the easy answer.  Well, when all else fails, read the

First:  For blasters they ignore armor, yet it
specifically states as long as it's not part of the
targets skin or powers.  So blasts would still be
hampered by a toughs armor.

Second:  Under gunner it says, "Pierce Armor: With 2
extra successes against an ARMORED foe, the hero finds
a weak spot in the ARMOR."  Now how you interpret
ARMOR is yours (and the ref's) call.  In my opinion
(so I guess the rules don't fully help) having the
armor power is different than wearing armor.  So being
armored is not the same as the tough's armor ability. 
Would it have helped if they stated it like they did
for the blasters?  YES!  But they didn't, so we refer
to the next section, "It's the GUIDE'S call as to
whether or not the foe's armor actually has a weak
spot.  If not, the trick does nothing."  Hmmm, seems
to be another 'its your game, do as you want rule'.

So what's the solution?  Simple, whatever your guide
says is the answer, and then stick to it throughout
the campaign.  As a player, don't argue and abide by
his ruling.  

Of course a mean guide might rule it only works on a
case by case basis, making the players spend the
successes each time to find out if it works or not.

Personally though, I would go with idea that it
doesn't affect natural armor, and only affects people
wearing armor.

-Munch Wolf
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