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Re: [BNW] Aftermath

Spacedog wrote:
> Spoiler space

> I can understand why the primers part may be secret but why do
> other defiants such as Truth not know that most defiants view patriot 
> as they do. In other words why was that in the guide section. I am just
> curious.

Well, it seems pretty evident that most Deltas (Primers and Defiants)
were moved by Patriot's execution.  However, because there is a war
of (dis-)information going on, there are plausible reasons why Truth
might not publically call Patriot a "martyr"; if Truth, being a
individual, were to say it, she would be targetted as the root of the
idea, a propogandist that can be put down.  If, however, the martyring
Patriot comes from the populous, it will be difficult to defeat the
idea because Delta Prime cannot point to any one individual who started
It would be a "people's idea".

Also, the Guide section is really just trying to drill the point home
that Patriot's execution had a lot of effect on the people in the large.
It's not so much as a "secret" as it is a "point to be remembered by

> On a seperate not why does my guide find it funny
> that his step-father works for a EU inc.

No idea...  (no bells ringing...)

            the encaffeinated ONE 
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