A Match Vocabulary
by Jane Gill
September, 1994
We had a great turnout at the obedience portion of the
club's Fun Match, and I hope that all of our participants had as much
fun as I did! I also very much hope that for those who were having
their first ring experience, they discovered that it doesn't hurt
a bit!
One thing that can be very frustrating for those just getting started
is all of the jargon. You thought that you spoke English, but wow!
What are those people talking about? For those of you out there who
are thinking of showing at a match in the future, here's a partial
glossary of terms you'll hear!
ATTENTION - This is what you hope your dog gives you in the
ring. Common usage: "Look at the ATTENTION on that dog!",
often in connection with a Golden Retriever who has his eyes glued
on his handler's left earlobe.
BREAK - This is not when the judge goes for coffee! It's either
a) where the judge pauses (usually after eight to twelve dogs in the
novice ring) to do Sits and Downs; or b) your dog sits up during the
Down, or goes down during the Sit. Usage: "My dog broke on the
Downs and NQ'd."
FEO - Short for For Exhibition Only. Enter FEO if you wish to
correct your dog in the ring, use treats, or do something goofy (such
as circling your Figure 8 post twice).
NQ - short for "not qualified". In the REGULAR CLASSES,
in order to receive a passing grade, you must get at least half of
the POINTS available for each exercise, and must also have all of
those POINTS add up to at least 170. For example, if your dog breaks
his Down, you lose all of the points for that exercise, and you NQ.
There are many creative ways for a Pyr to achieve an NQ. There are
also many ways for YOU to NQ.
QUALIFIED - You received at least a 170 score, and passed all
of the exercises. Curiously, if you hear a person say "Oh, we
qualified," he is probably unhappy with the score. If he is pleased,
you will hear a blow-by-blow description of the performance, where
each point was deducted, and the total. Another curious usage note:
"We qualified" but "The dog NQ'd" are the most common
JUDGE - This is the person in the ring with the clipboard. Judges
are patient, wise and just (usually!). Judges in the PRE-NOVICE and
NOVICE A rings are often especially nice, because they know that the
dog AND you are new at this! They will often offer helpful advice
at the end of an exercise. Nod, smile, and then decide later whether
to accept or reject it.
STEWARDS - These are the three people on the side of the ring,
helping the judge. They act as posts for the Figure 8, round up the
next exhibitor, and line the dogs up for Sits and Downs. They can
answer questions such as when the BREAK is. Be nice to them. They
are volunteers.
LAG - Your dog is further back than he should be for proper
Heel position. This is a Pyrenean specialty. Sometimes dogs LAG so
badly on off-lead heeling that they become LOST.
LOST - Your dog has lost ATTENTION, often after a big, bad LAG,
and is now either gazing serenely at the spectators, thinking about
meeting you back at the car, or is sitting back at the about turn,
wondering where you got to.
FORGE - Your dog is too far front for proper Heel position.
This will often show up during left turns, slows, and on the inside
turn of the Figure 8, when he will crash into you. At least you know
where he is, unlike the LAG.
FRONT - In obedience, a straight front has nothing to do with
the dog's structure! In the Recall, when the dog gets to you, the
ideal is that he pop that butt of his into a nice, quick sit, nose
lined up at your middle, and close enough to be touched but without
touching. Dog variations to this ideal can include barreling into
you without stopping, shuffling into a crooked front so he can keep
an eye on the judge and you at the same time, standing wistfully gazing
up into your eyes, or skipping it altogether and heading for the ring
gate, where you hope the STEWARDS will catch him.
FINISH - After the FRONT, the judge cues you and you have the
dog return to Heel position, either by going around behind you, or
by circling to your left. Some dogs leap and pivot in the air instead
of circling (the flip finish). I have spoken to Pyr owners whose dogs
do a flip finish. It's a real show-stopper.
DOUBLE COMMAND - Giving a hand signal WITH a verbal signal.
In some exercises, this is allowed. In others, it is not. This is
one of the ways a handler can NQ.
SECOND COMMAND - You have to give the same command a second
time, often because your dog has lost ATTENTION. In many exercises,
this is an NQ. During Heeling, a second command is POINTS OFF, and
may prevent a LOST dog.
POINTS OFF - A perfect score in the obedience ring is a 200.
We all walk into the ring with that perfect score. But as events proceed,
the judge begins deducting points on that aforementioned clipboard.
These can be minor, such as 1/2 point for a slightly crooked sit.
They can be MAJOR, for more serious occurrences. In the conformation
ring, a major is a good thing. In the obedience ring, it is a bad
SHEET - This is your individual score sheet, which you can pick
up at your ring after the judge is completely done judging your category.
It will show you exactly where you got POINTS OFF. Sometimes judges
stop marking sheets after things have gotten totally disastrous. Also,
sometimes they won't bother with them if you are FEO.
HANDLER ERRORS - These are the ways that YOU lose points. Sometimes
these are marked under "Misbehavior in the Ring," which can
really upset you. That's why, when you get serious about showing,
you should study the REGULATIONS, which you can acquire from the AKC.
Your dog will come with up his own creative ways of losing points
for your team. But your mistakes will really bug you!
PATTERN - In Heeling, the judge must have your team do halts,
right and left turns, changes of pace, and about turns. He uses the
same pattern of movement for every dog in the CLASS. He also uses
the same pattern for on and off-lead Heeling. It is wise to watch
the pattern before your turn comes up! If you don't see it, ask the
STEWARDS, or an onlooker.
CLASS - This is the entire group of dogs which are all entered
in the same category.
REGULAR CLASSES include Novice, Open and Utility. Novice A is
for people who have never gotten an obedience title. These classes, in
a match, mirror what you would have to do in the ring at a regular
show in order to earn an obedience title.
NON-REGULAR CLASSES include Pre-novice, Graduate Novice, Veterans
and Brace. They are just for fun, and there is no minimum qualifying
score. Pre-novice is an especially good class for the green handler
who wants to get used to being in the ring. It is also great for the
green dog since he is always on lead, and therefore cannot get LOST.
OTCH - is short for Obedience Trial Champion. There are no OTCH
Pyrenees yet. Through a complicated scoring system, dogs earn OTCH
points. When they have enough, they become OTCH dogs. Their handlers
are then OTCH people. OTCH dogs are always in the Open B and Utility
B classes. Their handlers sometimes appear in the Novice B classes,
with their new obedience hopeful. Don't worry about OTCH people or
dogs. By the time you are competing against them, you'll know what
you're doing, too. In the meantime, if you get a chance, watch them
perform. Mental pictures of near-perfection are great things to have.

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