The Great Pyrenees
Standard Visualization and Commentary
The Great Pyrenees Club of America, Inc.

Table of Contents
- Introduction
- Breed Background
- Commentary on the Standard
- General Appearance
- Size, Proportion and Substance
- Head
- Neck, Topline, Body
- Forequarters
- Hindquarters
- Coat
- Color
- Gait
- Temperament
- Judge's Recap
- Topographical View of the Great Pyrenees
- Glossary
- Bibliography
Do not print out this Illustrated Standard as it may
distort on certain printers. A beautifully bound
copy can be purchased from the GPCA.
Send your request along with a $5.00 check made payable to GPCA to:
Mr. Whitney Coombs
GPCA Breed Standard Education Committee
PO Box 3395
Gettysburg, PA 17325-0395