Trax Archives
2002: World Championship
Challenge Match
The format was further refined this year. The tournament reverted back to a three level structure (Qualifier round, Candidate's Tournament, and Challenge Match), however several of the top players were invited directly into the Candidate's Tournament. Everyone else had to play for the remaining spaces through the Qualifier Tournament. All Qualifier and Candidate's matches were round robin of best of 3 games. Carole Plante won the Candidate's Tournament to become the Challenger for 2002.
The Challenge Match took place over several weekends, from mid August until mid October, with the games played on the MSN Zone 1 or 2 each week. Donald won 6-2 to retain the title.
Bailey vs Plante (26 turns)
@0+ B1+ @1\ B0\ B0\ C4/ D3\ @3\ B4+ D5/
C6+ A5+ @4+ E1+ G3\ F1+ E0/ F7+ D8/ A7+
C3+ @6\ F9\ G9\ B9+ Resign
Plante vs Bailey (27 turns)
@0+ A2/ A0\ @1\ B0\ @3/ C5/ D5/ A5/ A6/
A1/ @1+ D0/ E3+ A1\ A0+ @5\ A2\ @8/ A9/
G8/ H7+ I7/ I6/ J6\ F1/ Resign
Bailey vs Plante (40 turns)
@0/ @1/ B0+ @2+ A0/ B4\ D2\ @2+ @2/ @2+
E5+ @2/ E0/ C4+ A4/ G6+ I5/ F2/ G7\ E0+
E0/ I5\ F3/ G2+ C4+ H3+ A7/ I2\ J2\ J1+
G0+ I1/ I0/ I10+ J9\ K5+ K3/ K9\ K10\ L7\
Plante vs Bailey (29 turns)
@0/ A0/ B2/ @2\ B0/ D3/ D2/ B4+ @3\ D5+
D6/ D7/ E6+ D8/ F6+ G3/ H4+ I3\ J3\ I5+
D1+ D0/ F2+ F9\ F10\ C8+ H7+ B3+ Resign
Bailey vs Plante (34 turns)
@0+ B1+ @1\ B0\ B0\ C4/ D3\ C5+ E4+ @3\
@3\ H4/ I4/ H5+ I6/ G7+ H8/ I7+ C2+ B1+
D5+ @1\ A0\ C5+ @2+ G2+ I4+ K10\ L10\ H2+
E1/ E0+ G1/ Resign
Plante vs Bailey (31 turns)
@0/ A0/ @1/ B0+ @2/ D2\ E2\ B0+ D4+ B4+
C5\ C6\ B6+ @4\ E6\ F7/ G3\ F2/ H7\ F8/
@1\ C0/ G2+ H2/ I3/ J3/ J2/ G1+ C9/ A8+
Bailey vs Plante (50 turns)
@0/ @1/ B0+ @2+ A0/ B4\ D2\ @2+ @2/ C0\
C0\ D3/ E2+ E0+ F2/ E7+ B3+ A4+ G6+ H6\
H8+ @4+ C6+ C7/ C8/ H9+ @5+ B7+ F10+ G11+
H3+ I5+ K8\ K9\ J10+ L8+ K6+ J5+ M8\ K11/
K12/ E0\ D1\ C1\ B2+ F0/ G1/ H2/ I6/ Resign