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Re: [WW] The feel of the game (rant)

(Even more snipping) (We're getting snippy around here, aint we?:))

>I think the main thing is that Deadlands and DL: HOE (and I assume Weird
>Wars) is fundamentally about our universe, our reality, invaded by
>abominations. This produces a horror/pulp/??? setting, where ??? is the
>added ingredient (for DL that would be Western, for HOE that would be
>post-apocalyptic and for Weird Wars it would be Warstory).
>If you start incorporating creatures that are not unnatural in their core
>existence (such as dragons or dwarves or gnomes), then it becomes more
>like the World of Darkness (i.e. mankind lives on the same world as these
>creatures, as opposed to mankind living on a world invaded and brutalized
>by these creatures).
>Of course, I'm only talking about the official Weird Wars game, not the
>actual play sessions of individual players. I'd never dream of telling
>anyone what they could or could not use in their own sessions (and I
>think anyone who does deserves a royal boot up the a-hole).
>Like Arne, my 2 soon-to-be-Euro cents
>http://www.crayne.nl - The BlackLight Bar

But, where did the dragon come from? Back in '44 Russia dragons were 
spawns of the devil.

Besides, try thinking like a WWII Russian partisan instead of a 
modern day person. Called, getting into character.:)


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