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[risque] is this confusing to you too?
Border War AS sia swift (31) <-> AU mal bobharris (6)
swift (25) survives to invade AS sia
Border War NA gre sharkey (13) <-> EU ice bobharris (1)
sharkey (12) survives to invade NA gre
(My apologies to sharkey, swift and bobharris for using these examples)
Above are some examples from a recent game of Risque. The thing is
that they appear to be backwards! In the first example, swift was
originally in Australia (AU) in malaysia and bobharris was in siam in Asia,
then they attempted to invade each others' territory. *BUT* it looks as
if swift was originally in sia and bobharris was originally in mal before
the conflict. I feel it should be printed out as:
Boarder conflict: AU mal swift (31) <-> AS sia bobharris (6)
swift (25) survives to invade AS sia
this looks more like the combination of the following two separate lines:
AU mal swift (31) -> AS sia
AU mal <- AS sia bobharris (6)
How do others feel about this? Does anyone really care to read the
battle reports that appear in their games (besides myself)? :-) :-)
Richard, if others agree, could this be changed?