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Re: [risk] "Skewed" combat?

> or more accurately:  W' = W - ( max(L) - min(0, (W-sum(L))/2 ) 
> The >2 player case is identical to the 2-player case except that the
> "largest army" advantage is lessened.  It is also never worse for the
> largest army than the current system.

  I like it.  Do you mean "if W-sum(L) < 0 then 0 otherwise that" rather
than "min(0, (W-sum(L))"?

___Dan Knapp, Knight of the Random Seed______________Beep Blip Bonk_______
dankna@brain.mics.net --- http://brain.mics.net/~dankna/ --- pbmserv: dank