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Re: Simultaneous Risk Questions
Yes, I think two games might be called for.
Simultaneous Risk (as described)
The simultaneous nature will keep things lively.
Calculated Risk
Risk with normal turn based movement using a deterministic
combat model. (although, I suspect I'll use the same move
model of... you submit your whole turn (reinforcements + attacks)
as 1 command, and it gets processed all at once)
On Mon, Mar 06, 2000 at 11:31:18AM -0700, Kevin Worth wrote:
> > I don't think the Dune system would work here. For the Dune
> > system to work, a player has to know that they are going to
> > be attacked, then declare number of defenders. That would
> > mean an extra step, which would cut down on the
> > simultaneousness.
> I agree that adding in another step would not be very desirable.
> I like Richard's suggestions for the resolution of combat, it keeps the
> spirit of Simultaneous Risk as described originally.
> >
> > The only thing that I don't like about Richard's system is
> > that there is no chance - no randomness. I once saw one
> > army defend against an attacking force of 42. Without that
> > element of chance, it ceases to become Risk, and becomes
> > calculation.
> I think this is the point of this Risk variant. The "random" element comes
> from the sinultaneous movement. I realize that its not really random but
> since you don't know what the other players are going to be doing, you won't
> know what the board will look like after any given turn.
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