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[pyrnet] Imus Pyrs

I was listening to the radio yesterday and happened to hear a short segment from Imus in the Morning. Don Imus was talking about the ranch he has built in New Mexico which serves as a camp for children with serious diseases. He said that they have three Great Pyrenees on the ranch who work as livestock guardians (I missed what kind of livestock they're guarding). He said they are "great dogs" who guard the stock from coyotes and mountain lions and he praised the dogs as being terrific "watch dogs." He also said the kids who come to the ranch really love them. Maybe some on the list have heard him speak about his Pyrs before, but I hadn't. It was really gratifying to hear such a positive and breed-appropriate description of his dogs.
Lyn and Bridger (who does most of his guarding while feigning deep sleep)
WORLD VIEWS: Spatial Technologies for Education

Lyn Malone
Spatial Technologies Consultant
ESRI Authorized K-12 Trainer
Phone: 401-245-4395
Cell: 401-952-3453
Web: http://kangis.org/learning/calendar/enroll/details.cfm?id=494