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Re: [pyrnet] Rimadyl?!?

Our young pyr has been prescribed Rymadil a few times
for different symptoms - joint pain, strains, even hot
spots! He didn't respond well to it at all. In fact,
we couldn't even tell whether it soothed his pain, as
he was so lathargic and seemingly depressed, he hardly
wanted to move. Instead, we use a simple Bufferin
(human form stuck in a hotdog) to keep his arthritic
joints comfortable after an active day. This is safer
on the stomach than Aspirin and is certainly better on
his mood than Rymadil. Good luck with it!
-Pip, Tanna and Dirk the Dog

--- Roger Poole <rpoole@wh2p.com> wrote:
> My 6 1/2 yr. old pyr just started limping (left
> front leg shoulder or 
> wrist - not her pads). My obedience trainer suggests
> I get her on this 
> med and glucosamine. But frankly, there's >>> a lot
> <<< of negative 
> info about this drug on the web and I'd thinking I'd
> rather not go that 
> route. Sticking to Aspirin. (Definitely yes to the
> glucosamine, but no 
> to the Rimadyl).  I hate to say this, but I don't
> trust my Vet to make 
> the right decision. Anyone had any experience with
> this drug?
> Ultimately we're out of training and any activity
> for several months 
> and if it doesn't resolve itself, I'll end up going
> the X-rays route 
> but only probably with a new 'yet to be determined'
> vet.
> We had to pull out of our first round of trials for
> our CDX. So 
> discouraging, she was so ready and then to go lame.
> UGH!
> Thanks all.
> Roger Poole
> roger@poole.com

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