Go to the Murray McMurray Hatchery website.
You can find all sorts of guinea fowl and other birds. It's worth a visit
just to see the varieties of chickens. They mail day old chicks -
the post office will call you to come pick them up! The only problem is
that you must order 30 of them at a time. I got my order this summer and
raised them to about 8 weeks and then gave half to a friend on a farm with many
more. A word of caution, they are loud, they are feisty, and they
fly. This winter I shooed mine out for some fresh air after an early snow
storm and they refused to touch snow with their feet so they roosted in the
trees. Several neighbors stopped on the sidewalk to stare at the "wild
turkeys" in the trees. One neighbor is terrified of birds and even though
they did not leave my yard, she was afraid to be in hers while they were in
the trees.. After about two days and nights of this, they got hungry
enough to go back into their coop and have remained there ever since. In
the spring I will clip their flight feathers so they stay grounded. And
they had better eat lots of mosquitoes, and japanese beetles and ticks and ants
and anything else that has six legs!