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[pyrnet] Tongues hanging out there

Hey all!!

Sugar Bear's tongue hangs out slightly when she's just hanging out.  Then
when she's really relaxing it's been seen really hanging out!!!!  I actually
have a photo of it "out there."  I'll look around and see if I can find it.
Those of you that may want to see it can email me at kaiser4@gulftel.com and
I'll send it to you.  That is if I can find it.


PS  Bear's doesn't do that.  He also doesn't drool as much as Sugar Bear
does.  She's a drooling diva!!  For as much as she drools I could have had
the Mastiff I wanted.  Don't know that I could have loved it as much though.
Rescuing her was one of the greatest things we've done (as far as the pets