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Re: [pyrnet] Re: Bonbelle

>>Even now many years later there are Danish breeders who uses the word french as a negative. <<
This has been my experience also with my Belgian import Ursette de la Griffe d'Ours. Very few appreciate her lovely type and I have been criticized even to my face, by other breeders. I was once told "but this isn't France - it is North America".    However, I can see less resistance now than when I first brought her over, five years ago. So there is hope  :) - and her puppies which are being shown now are just one year old (tomorrow!) - and are doing quite well in the ring "despite" their strong French type - which I don't believe could have happened a few years ago.
   Like Bonbelle, she was very slow to mature - both physically and mentally - but now at age five, she is a serene, poised, devoted  - but strong willed bitch. Finally she has filled out and developed a lovely coat. When she left Henri's kennel at six months of age, she had already developed a deep bond with him - and he with her - and it took more than a year for me to break down that barrier - she simply did not want to be here, with me - and she made that very clear! She was a lot of work - but worth every minute.