I did not mean to say that Bonbelle was/is not french to look
at, of course she is, she is a Comte de Foix. But you will see pyrs in France
that are even more different from the norm in Denmark than Bonbelle
I just took out the pictures I took that day to look at the
one of Bonbelle,and I still find her a beautiful bitch.
But I can relate to what you say about showing a dog that is
different, the same thing happened in Denmark, when some of us started
having French dogs. The first pyrs of French breeding may not have been of
the quality of Bonbelle, but the problem was their type, not so much their
various faults and short comings - their good points were ignored. Even now many
years later there are Danish breeders who uses the word french as a
Just lately I heard of a Danish judge at a show abroad
faulting some pyrs - in writing - for having too french a head. I know he meant
the heads were too narrow, I don't know the dogs involved so I don't know if it
is true, but if it is why could he not just have used the word narrow instead of
making a fool of himself by showing that he does not know what is correct in
Lene Nielsen