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Re: [pyrnet] Pyrs without Dwarf producing ancestors
----- Original Message -----
From: "Linda Weisser" <lmweisser@olywa.net>
To: <pyrnet-l@pyrnet.org>
Sent: Sunday, December 31, 2000 7:00 AM
Subject: Re: [pyrnet] Pyrs without Dwarf producing ancestors
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: <SovreignPyrs@aol.com>
> > <<Ask teh
> MAL people how long they've been looking for a genetic marker.>>
> A question that I would like to ask. From what I "hear" (and that is not
> huge but does come from mal sources) the marker work has not been going on
> all that long. A number of years. Certainly not too much longer than we
> have been working with Mark. Their work is being done at MI I believe. I
> would like to hear a report on the status of the project. perhaps Marie
> can fill us in.
Yes the work is being done at MI. The Mal club first went about raising the
funds to do this work. Then they collected samples. The big hold up was
finding the right combination of breeding(ie known carrier to known carrier)
This has to my knowledge been completed. I know the carrier to carrier
produced 16 puppies 13 survivors. They are not old enough to give samples
yet but should very soon. As soon as they are old enough to x-ray then the
samples become very valuable as this litter should have dwarfs, and carriers
My understanding is the ground work has been done and now the serious work
is about to begin. The collecting of samples etc has been going on for
approximately 5 to 6 years. The big problem we had was finding the known
carriers etc. and our dwarf population was extremely small. I believe we
will soon have a marker found and a test. I have to believe the glass is
half full not half empty.