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Re: [pyrnet] Dwarf/dwarf breedings.
Dr Sande met with failure to produce a dwarf to dwarf breeding but that was
over 15 years ago(I'm not sure of the exact time frame here) but
reproduction advances have come so far that it is probably can be done
today. It could be that the dwarf he had then was not capable of
reproducing. Until it is tried again under set regulations with the use of
available technology we will not know. At any time the research need to do
this and want someone to help do this I'm willing to raise such a litter. I
will only do this for the research. I have done this in Mals and know what
is involved. I have a vet who has been with me in collecting samples doing
x-rays etc. I would hope the board get someone to do this before someone
does it and tries to start something we all don't want. Marie
----- Original Message -----
From: "Linda Weisser" <lmweisser@olywa.net>
To: <pyrnet-l@pyrnet.org>
Sent: Sunday, December 31, 2000 6:05 AM
Subject: Re: [pyrnet] Dwarf/dwarf breedings.
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: <JGentzel@aol.com>
> I would hope that before one involved the Board that they presented the
> best
> information available i.e. the attempt by Dr. Sande et all, with their
> subsequent failure. >>
> Well, obviously!! It's just that if any GPCA member decides to do or
> attempt to do a dwarf to dwarf breeding, the Board is going to have to be
> involved.
> Linda
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