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Re: [pyrnet] Luxating patellas and other problems
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From: <JGentzel@aol.com>
<<Frankie did identify the problem in at least one of her breeding.>>
Is this a fact? Is this hearsay? I'm really not trying to be flip. I
just also get tired of hearing that this that or the other person/breeder
had and/or saw dwarfs but there is never any substantiation, as in a third
party or an idenficication of the litter or how, why, where this
information was shared by the breeder and with whom. I am not saying that
Frankie did not have a dwarf in a litter of hers. I would just like more
"detail" before accepting this as "fact". I do know that Frankie identifed
dwarfs in a litter of someone else. This I heard from the breeder himself.
I have also seen pics of at least one of those dwarfs.
<<but it seems to keep occuring in every invcreasing numbers
in the breed. How much more prevelent do you suppose it is now than in
1977, >>
I'm not entirely sure that it is more prevalent as a % of the population.
We may also have a reporting phenomenon going on here. I think that it has
becoming increasingly acceptable and even comfortable to talk about dwarfs
and so we are seeing a lot more reporting and honesty. I am always pleased
when I get those calls that say "I have (or think I have) a dwarf. Now
what do I do?" I am hopeful that those calls are now going to Tami Green
who is "in charge" of the health committee's dwarf projects. Beyond that,
we also have the simple fact of more Pyrs being bred because there are more
<<according to Seaver back into the mid- 1950 it was brought
to their attention by some other people with dogs from outside their
lines. >>
The earliest absolutely confirmed report we have of dwarfs is 1969. No
doubt they happened before, but unless someone reports dates, breedings,
source of information etc, it really is more hearsay no matter who talks
about it.
<<If it was feasable, as the Malamute
folks have done, to develop some tool to use in helping us make some
mathmatical calculations that we can use as "one of our tools" in dealing
with the problem, would this be "counter productive"? >>
I think that it would be really great, but my understanding is that what is
possible on the computer in the Mal prediction system is to a great measure
the result of information obtained from a lot of test breedings, in
addition to word of mouth. We simply to not have that kind of information.