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Re: [pyrnet] Luxating patellas and other problems
In a message dated 12/24/00 10:30:48 AM Pacific Standard Time,
pyreau@erols.com writes:
Frankie Glover believed, at one point, that there was some sort of
connection between patellar luxation and dwarfism. I do not think that she
ever had a dwarf puppy, but she believed from something her Vet. said that
the puppy that did turn up with LP from her breeding somehow was a dwarf
(even though it showed no signs of dwarfism). I had never heard that
theory before nor have I heard it since.
Frankie did identify the problem in at least one of her breeding. And I am
not sure Dr. Browns identification of dogs he examined could be rightfully
called a theory. Possibly an examination and finding? I am tired of the
subject as well, but it seems to keep occuring in every invcreasing numbers
in the breed. How much more prevelent do you suppose it is now than in 1977,
when you guys had the symposium that was printed in the IGPR? It is not a
happy event to keep identifying the problem over and over again for now at
least 25 years and according to Seaver back into the mid- 1950 it was brought
to their attention by some other people with dogs from outside their breeding
Is a debate that might involve some potential tools used in the handleing of
the condition not a productive one? If it was feasable, as the Malamute
folks have done, to develop some tool to use in helping us make some
mathmatical calculations that we can use as "one of our tools" in dealing
with the problem, would this be "counter productive"?
Merry Christmas to everyone as well. I hope each of you spends time with
those you love and with your animals.