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Re: [pyrnet] Information
Thanks Cindy for the helpful info,My parents brought it up for me to see.I
carried it in the house because I knew shadow and noel would be wanting to
greet my parents,Well I just about fell off the chair laughing when Shadow
caught sight of it his eyes opened real wide and he came over and was
sniffing and the shoe laces started and Noel her eyes just narrowed Got a
little worried at that point the little thing only weighs 3 lbs well she was
satisfied it was a pup but Shadow well he still isn't sure what it was there
is no convincing him its a dog the little things head is no bigger than
shadows nose.But he was very gentle with it but then again I didn't take it
off my lap either.My parents took pictures I will send you one when they get
developed what a sight LOL
>From: clhenke@juno.com
>Reply-To: pyrnet-l@pyrnet.org
>To: pyrnet-l@pyrnet.org
>Subject: Re: [pyrnet] Information
>Date: Mon, 18 Dec 2000 17:07:17 -0600
>Peggy, Doxie's are great little dogs. One of my friends have five of
>them. My cousins used to raise them. We rescued and kept one till it
>could be placed.
>They are tough by nature ( had to be to go in those holes for critters,
>face first! ), very easy to train, and very protective of their people.
>They like the creature comforts, blankets and couches and sliding under
>the covers at night. Love to travel and be with their people.
>Actually good lap dogs ( or sit next to you types ). Their backs are a
>weak point, and care should be taken. Also keeping their weight down to
>help their backs. It helps if you can keep them from too much jumping up
>and down, but that isn't always easy. They have good deep barks for
>their size and are very good watch dogs.
>Hope this helps a little! Cindy
>Cindy Henke
>Ennis, Texas
>"All knowledge, the totality of all questions and answers, is contained
>in the dog." ~ Franz Kafka
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