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Re: [pyrnet] Alaskan Malamutes and Pyrs?
Kati do you know anything about this Mal?I adopted a Mal once seemed to be
the sweetest thing we made four trips with the kids to see this dog.after
being here with us for a few day's he decided to eat my son.I thought ok its
strange here give it time but it happened again and not just with my son
this time but my daughters and husband too.At this point I called the
Malamute Rescue foundation for help and advice and boy did I get a chewing
out you would have thought I committed a crime.They wanted to know what I
knew about this dog and what the shelter knew about this dog which by the
way was very little.They told me to keep a close eye on the situation and if
it got worse to bring the Dog back which I had to do a few day's later my
son couldn't move and this dog was on him.My husband couldn't get out of bed
and the Mal was after him to .My advice is if you don't now anything about
this dog call the Mal Rescue foundation.Pyr's and Mal are both independent
thinkers and it turn ugly for the Alpha position.Let me know how you make
>From: Katie Allison Granju <kgranju@yahoo.com>
>Reply-To: pyrnet-l@pyrnet.org
>To: pyrnet-l@pyrnet.org
>Subject: [pyrnet] Alaskan Malamutes and Pyrs?
>Date: Mon, 18 Dec 2000 14:15:37 -0800 (PST)
>We may be fostering a neutered male Alaskan malamute
>for a time. He apparently gets along very well with
>other dogs of both sexes, and my neutered male Pyr
>gets along well with other dogs, but I am wondering if
>this is something I should even consider attempting.
>Has anyone had experience with the two breeds? How are
>they alike and different?
>Katie Allison Granju~
>Knoxville, TN
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