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[pyrnet] Re: Vison Problems - was strangeness
I have a very dear friend who has bred and owned a number of the sighthound breeds and
is also a judge. She has come to know Pyrs through the parade of dogs I have had over the
years. In discussing judging sighthounds and Pyrs she felt that Pyrs should be approached in the
same manner as the sight hounds - i.e., assume they may not be able to focus immediately on
near-by objects, such as a judge leaning over quickly to examine the dog. She felt, and I
thought that this made a lot of sense, that because of the job sighthounds are expected to
do, they need to see well at great distances. Pyrs have the same requirement. We wondered
that as a result of breeding for this great ability to see in the distance, we may have bred in
far-sightedness. I think these are mirrors of each other, and are an either/or eye problem.
This might explain some of the strange behavior we sometimes see in our dogs.
Carol Brescher Boyle