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[PyrNet-L] re:(pyrnet-l)help

this was posted on the sheltie list Holiday safety
hope this helps

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Kalyn Allison
Eaglerock Shelties & Pyrs
Billings, Mt.

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This was forwarded to me.   Have any of the vets on the list heard of this 

This is not a joke & could very well save your pets life.


>Everyone should keep this on hand for the  holidays if you own a pet.
>Since Christmas is approaching, I thought folks would  want to see this.
>I found this at:  http://trfn.clpgh.org/animalfriends/ornament.html
>What  do you do if your puppy (or mischievous older dog) gets into your
>holiday decorations and eats some of  the glass ornaments? This potentially
>lethal mishap  can darken even the brightest holiday season.
>BEFORE the holiday go to a pharmacy and buy a box of cotton balls. Be sure
>that you get COTTON balls ... not the "cosmetic  puffs" that are made from
>man-made fibers. Also, buy a quart of half-and-half coffee cream and put it
>in the freezer.
>Should your dog eat glass ornaments, defrost the half-and-half and  pour
>some in a bowl.  Dip cotton balls into the cream and feed them to your dog.
>Dogs under 10 lbs  should eat 2 balls which you have first torn into
>smaller pieces. Dogs 10-50  lbs should eat 3-5 balls and larger dogs should
>eat 5-7.
>You may feed larger dogs an entire cotton ball at once. Dogs seem to really
>like these strange  "treats" and eat them readily. As the cotton works its
>way through  the digestive tract it will find all the glass pieces and wrap
>itself around  them. Even the teeniest shards of glass will be caught and
>wrapped in the  cotton fibers and the cotton will protect the intestines
>from damage by the  glass. Your dog's stools will be really weird for a few
>days and you will have to be careful to check for fresh blood or a tarry
>appearance to the stool. If either of the latter symptoms appear you should
>rush your dog to  the vet for a checkup but, in most cases, the dogs will
>be just fine.
>An actual experience: I can personally vouch for the cotton ball
>While I was at the vet waiting for him to return from lunch a   terrified
>woman ran in with a litter of puppies who had demolished a wooden   crate
>along with large open staples. The young vet had taken x-rays which   did
>show each of the puppies had swallowed several open staples. He  was
>preparing them for surgery when my wonderful vet came in and said  no
>surgery. I watched him wet several cotton balls, squeeze out the water  and
>pop them down their throats. Within 24 hours every staple was   accounted
>for. This was a lesson I learned in the mid-1960s and have had to  use
>several times on my brats. I wet the cotton balls and smear on some
>liverwurst and they bolt it down and ask for more. The cotton always comes
>out with the object safely embedded.
>Copyright reserved to Sandy Brock.
>Permission is hereby granted for any non-profit reproduction by any perso
>or group. 
  Dogs are not our whole life, but they make our  lives  whole.
>Roger Caras
>A  Dogs life is too short........
>Their only fault  really......  http://www.thepetweb.com/ramseycreek

Denise Brown
RanLyn Shelties
Nipomo, CA

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