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[PyrNet-L] Why I chose a Pyr

or.....why would I choose anything else.

	I selected GP's as my breed of choice while attending a dog show at
the Farmington Polo Grounds in CT. I went to the show to get an idea of
different breeds. I entered the tent and stopped dead, staring at a herd of
white fluffies, all groomed for the show ring. I had been raised with
boxers, pekes and poodles, but had never seen anything like these beautiful
white dogs. I started reading up on the breed and decided this was the dog
for me. It took 2 years for me to find Garth from a breeder in Missouri. He
was everything I expected from my research and more. 
	When I had to put him down during the summer, I briefly thought
about not getting another dog or trying another breed. As luck would have
it, there was a GP specialty show in NJ in September. I drove on down and
checked out some dogs and breeders and met someone who had a litter of 4
week old pups. Can you say 'good karma'? I went to meet the puppies and
breeder (thanks so much, even though I will not mention your name without
prior permission) and to be checked out myself. 
	I brought Pico home in October at 8 weeks and he is doing great. Now
that he has had all his shots, he gets week-end hikes at the reservoir. We
don't get too far, because of the usual...What kind of dog is that...How old
is he?!?!?!How much does he weigh? How big will he get questions? and my
personal favorite <He's too cute to be real..where's the battery pack>  LOL.
I had forgotten how much of the same attention that Garth got when he was a
baby. I can't complain though, Pico loves the attention. Now he stops when
he sees someone approaching and waits to be praised. Of course, he can't
understand those people that walk past without hugging him. I guess that is
one of those tough puppy life lessons. 
	I look forward to spending many happy years with Pico and when I
have some more room, maybe finding him a playmate. I think I could deal with
my own herd of big white fluffy-wuffies. Don't tell Pico I called him that,
he gets sooooo embarrassed.

I love seeing everyone's stories about they picked GP's. Keep them coming.