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Re: [Re: [PyrNet-L] Newbies]

Hello all..We just wanted to introduce ourselves as we just signed up a
few days ago..My husband and I (Marcie & Greg) live in SW Virginia and are
the VERY proud owners of a beautiful gentle giant by the name of Talon >>

Hello Marcie & Greg,

You will find that this is a fine group of people who all share a common
love..... Pyrs! Anyway I am jealous of most everyone on this list as they all
have including you, A Pyr!!!! LOL : )
I must be the only one without one... I feel all empty inside:(

But we have a special dog as well named Guilty.... He is a Bullmastiff...

They are great dogs to but the Bullmastiff list seems to be a bunch of
opinionated jerks... I have not found that here. I have been a few lists and
this one really seems to be nice. Good choice.
I must be the only one without one... I feel all empty inside:(
Anyway welcome to what really seems to be a family of great Dog People.

Here is something sure to get a laugh out of everyone... We thought that
Gordon, the Pyr I rescued 2 months ago was deformed because he had six toes...
We felt so bad for him.... Then we saw he had six toes on the other foot...
LOL!!!!!!!!  Can you imagine how stupid we felt... When we found out that was


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