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Re: [PyrNet-L] For a Good Laugh

    Loved the joke!  Certainly wasn't expecting that.:)

Rajah and Moses
West Union, WV

>One day in heaven, Saint Peter, Saint Paul and Saint John were standing
>near the dog kennels, watching the dogs laying around.
>"I am certainly bored," stated John.
>"Me too," Paul chimed in.
>Peter stood and watched the dogs. "I know!" Peter began, "Why don't we
>have a dog show?"
>Paul and John thought that the idea was great, except for one small
>detail that Paul pointed out: "Who are we to compete against, Peter?"
>Paul asked.
>The trio pondered a moment when Peter realized the answer: "We will call
>up Satan and invite him to the dog show. I mean, we have all of the
>finest dogs here in heaven, all of the World and National Champions are
>here. His kennels are filled with the spoiled, difficult and mean dogs.
>We are certain to win at the show!"
>And so, the trio calls up Satan on the other realm communication lines
>and invited him to their dog show. Satan laughed and asked why they
>would want to be humiliated like that, because he would certainly beat
>Peter, Paul and John did not understand. "What do you mean Satan?"
>Peter asked: "We have all of the National and World Champion dogs in our
>kennels in heaven. How could you possibly beat us?"
>Satan paused a moment and then laughed:
>            "Have you forgotten so soon, gentlemen? I have all the
>Robert Stabile
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