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Re: [PyrNet-L] Question About Grooming

Hi to Robb and Lea, too!
Your Pyr will be really lucky to get people who care enough to even build a
grooming table!!

I think every Pyr owner has a different set of grooming utensils!  A lot depends
on the type of coat your dog has.  A dog with a really correct coat - straight,
harsh outercoat and a soft undercoat usually does well with a pin brush and a comb
with an undercoat rake for shedding time.  If you get one with a lot of fuzzy
undercoat that mats or tangles easily, you will need a mat rake with sharp edges
to cut through mats.  Slicker brushes are also good for fuzzy coats.  Besides
that, you will need good, heavy duty nail clippers.  I like the scissor type
rather than the guilotine.  Get one (or many) of the pet supply catalogs like R.C.
Steele (1-800-872-3773 this is not necessarilly the best, just the only one I had
handy today).

About shaving a Great Pyrenees.  You need to remember that a dogs do not sweat so
their skin cannot cool like humans.    Their coats protect them from sunburn, bug
bites, etc.  They do shed their undercoats in the summer. Some people with
livestock guarding dogs will trim them because their coat gets matted, but
generally shaving is not a good idea and can cause skin problems.  We have very
hot weather here in Virginia and our dogs are either either in our house in the AC
or in a kennel building with fans.  They mostly lie around and sleep all day..
They also have shade cloth over their outside runs.  If your dog must be outside
during the day, make sure he has plenty of shade and water and does not over
exercise.  Good luck, and let us know how it goes.
Charlotte Perry


> Hello All,
> I am making a grooming table for our rescue when we get him/her. I took an old
> kitchen table and sawed the legs off so it is only about knee high and
> stengthened the legs for a good solid support. If I can jump up and down on it
> and it does not shake I will be satisfied. A couple of questions regaurding
> grooming. I have never had a long haired dog. My mother has a Bouvier Des
> Flandres and an Airdale. I see how much fun she has with them. I am in Tampa
> Fl. and it gets awfully hot. I know that if I went outside even for a couple
> of minutes with a Parka on I would roast. I can only imagine a Pyr.
> Poor Gordon looked terrible from the heat when I picked him up. This is not
> going to be a show dog by any means so I am wondering if you who live in the
> tropical areas of the world shave your dogs? I am not concerned about looks as
> I am about comfort for the dog. What types of brushes do I need etc.  What
> types of products are good for a bath also. The 2 baths Guilty gets a year are
> in an oatmeal based shampoo that you can eat if you wanted. (not that it would
> taste great) But very safe. I am a firm believer in not bathing unless it is
> absolutely needed. It stips the dogs natural oils and what not. And I feel it
> is a major cause for many dogs who have alergies and hot spots. Dog gets an
> itch try this. Then another product to offset the next itch caused by the
> first product and so on.  Any way just a little pre-preperation for our new
> family member to be.
> Any advice would be appreciated,
> Robb
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