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Re: [PyrNet-L] Chat, Rescue: Looking for a special home

that reminds me of a phone call I had one  day.....after about 4 calls within
a 3 hour timeframe (all wanting to give up their dogs) I got a 5th call from
a woman who wanted to place her 8 month old pyr boy.  She explained that
she had just had her 3rd child 4 months before and with the baby and her
two other children, she really didn't have time to care for him or the children
with all her attention.

I listened quietly and after she was finished asked her "and where are you
the children?"   Dead silence.  After about 5 long seconds, she answered that
maybe she was making a hasty decision and would call me back.  Heard from
her 6 months later to thank me for putting things into perspective for her.

Now that call was the exception--but at least I was able to vent and something
good did come of it.

Our Dog Bleu

> I wonder what people would do, if they added "a third dog to the family and
> decided one of theirown children was too much trouble to care for"???  Do you
> think they'd be looking for a new home for the kid?
> Never mind - my "kids" are our animals (dogs, cats, chickens, horses, geese,
> and goats) - and each have their own special place in our household.  Here's
> hoping for a better home for Jack!
> Robyn - the mum with the furry and feathered kids
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