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Re: [PyrNet-L] Chat: Need Advice!

On 22 Aug 99, at 13:16, JSwingen@aol.com wrote:

> I will try to be short and concise and give all the pertinent facts.  We
> have a female, Neria, GP , 11 week old puppy.  She came from a reputable
> breeder, good parents, no temperament problems. We have had her exactly
> one week today.  She has bonded wonderfully with the family.  The kids
> have been great about walking her and playing with her. 
> The problem, or I guess concern at this point, is Neria snapped at my 14
> year old daughter last night when Jorli told her "No" for biting (puppy
> biting) her.  The puppy actually growled and lunged.  I was shocked and
> grabbed her muzzle and yelled "No" in a very loud voice and that was the
> end of it.  My 9 year old had told me earlier that she didn't like Neria
> because she snapped at her when she told her "no."  I was skeptical and
> told her she was probably just playing, but we'd monitor the situation.  I
> have to say I am very concerned.  An 11 week old puppy doesn't do serious
> damage, a 90 pound adult does.

I suggest you call your breeder immediately and discuss the behavior 
with them.  Also if you have not had your vet do a health check, do 
so to rule out an under lying health problem. 
I would also question your children about the exact circumstances of 
each incident.  Rule out if there was food present, what exactly they 
and the dog were doing.  This behavior in a pyr at any age is a major 
issue and concern.  The snarling and lunging has me very concerned.
Good Luck and keep us posted.

Taos, New Mexico