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Re: [PyrNet-L] Chat: Need Advice!

Judi, simple part first....yes they love water, and have a magicians paw
at turning any bowl into a lake!  I really do mean this, be careful or
you may be on your backside one day.  Water multiplies when it is around

Yes they can be dominant, and because they had to think for themselves,
they may very well attempt to control a child.  They are not mean
spirited dogs, or vicious towards children, but they very well may go
through a period of control for position.  Your girls must not be afraid
of  this female, and you will need to work on this while she is still
young, but your girls need to understand this as well.  Puppy obedience
is good.  Your idea of other words besides
"no" is also good.  Diversion is good too.   Your 14 year old should
certainly be able to gain control.  If your nine year old is already
afraid of her, that may not be a good situation, because it is one the
pup will most certainly pick up on fast!  Remember they read us, better
than we are able to communicate with them.

Try the book, "Dogs Never Lie About Love " for a better understanding of
how dogs think and feels.  There are lots of good training books out too.
  One in particular is based on how Mother dogs teach their young, on the
order of " Mother Knows best " and that may be helpful.  When your pup is
finished with shots, get her out and socialize her with people and
experiences.  It will make her look to you ( and your daughters ) for
security in new situations, and enhance the bond.  Obedience is good for
that too, and may actually be a good thing for your youngest daughter to
do with her if she is able.

Pyrs. are smart, but they don't always go out of their way to humor you. 
If this is caught early it will be a phase, and not a problem.  Hope this
helps, you will get lots of advice on this I am sure.  Mean while, enjoy
the water!  :-)   Cindy.

Cindy Henke
Ennis, Texas

"All knowledge, the totality of all questions and answers, is contained
in the dog."  ~ Franz Kafka

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