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[PyrNet-L] HEALTH, CHAT: Living with Canine Lymphoma, Clondike's Story

First, Clondike has passed another major milestone.  Tuesday was her 14
month anniversary of beginning chemotherapy for lymphoma--significant
because 14 months was quoted as the average life expectancy of dogs on
chemo when we 1st began therapy.

Clondike remains in remission (#3) at nearly 12 weeks post chemo, which
will mean that this remission will have lasted at least 100% of the length
of the last remission.  It's a good thing Clondike hasn't read the
literature on chemotherapy which states that each remission is shorter
than the one before <BG>.

While Clondike still is troubled by chronic urinary tract infections, she
is in good spirits and both the holistic vet and our regular vet feel her
pulses and muscle tone are actually improving.  She may very well
celebrate her 12th birthday in November, and sniff a lot more sniffs.

I wrote an article about her therapy for the GPCA Bulletin which appeared
in the July/August issue under the title "Another Year with Clondike."  I
have added this article to Penny Pyrbred's Web Page, using the original
title, "Living with Canine Lymphoma."  You can access it directly


If you read the article in the Pyr-A-Scoop, or aren't into things
medical, the sidebar entitled "Showdog for a Day" describing Clondike's 
brief career as a showdog at the 99 National can be accessed from the
bottom of the lymphoma article, or directly at:


There are links to lots of other photos and Clondikiana, and I especially
like the photo at the head of both articles--one taken by Tami McKenna at
the National and just sent to me recently.  I used it because I think it
captures some of Clondike's enthusiasm for life (if not for showing).

Thanks for everyone's continuing support.  It has helped us all through a
really tough 14 months.

David, Nancy and Clondike
 David Kintsfather              | PHONE:       (610) 683-4497
 Dept. of Telecommunications    | FAX:         (610) 683-4659
 Kutztown University            | INTERNET:    kintsfat@kutztown.edu
 PO Box 730                     |   "We need not think alike to love alike."
 Kutztown, PA  19530-0730       |                Francis David